Discord Server

The MSL Discord Server The RoboCup MSL Discord server is up for cross-league collaborations. To join the server: https://discord.gg/GTg33WMGhU
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Draw Results for the TC and the SC

Draw Results for the Technical Challenge and the Scientific Challenge of the 2021 virtual competitions The first team leader meeting was held on May 23, 2021. The presentation ppt file is available here. The results of the Technical Challenge and the Scientific Challenge draws are as follows (teams will present their work online in the following order): Technical Challenge (June 26th) Scientific Challenge (June 27th) Order Team Order Team 1 DAGOZILLA                 1 ASML Falcons 2 ASML Falcons 2 CAMBADA 3 IRIS 3 Hibikino-Musashi 4 Robot Club Toulon 4 IRIS 5 NuBot 5 Water 6 Tech United Eindhoven 6 Tech United Eindhoven 7 Water 7 DAGOZILLA 8 CAMBADA 8 VDL Robot Sports 9 MRL 9 Robot Club Toulon 10 VDL Robot Sports 10 MRL 11 Hibikino-Musashi 11 NuBot Note 1: The…
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2021-Qualification Results

As announced before by the RoboCup Federation, the qualified teams of the 2020 competitions are automatically qualified for the 2021 competitions. TC members of the MSL are finalizing the qualification ranking due to qualification material updates of some teams, however, we are happy to announce the list of qualified teams for the 2021 MSL virtual competitions (alphabetically sorted). A total number of eleven teams passed pre-qualification. Points and a complete ranking will be published and announced in near future, however, an alphabetically sorted list is as follow: Team Name Affiliation Country ASML Falcons ASML The Netherlands CAMBADA University of Aveiro Portugal DAGOZILLA Bandung Institute of Technology Indonesia Hibikino-Musashi Kyushu Institute of Technology Japan IRIS Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Indonesia MRL Qazvin Islamic Azad University Iran Nubot National University of Defense…
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Call For Participation 2021

RoboCup 2021 (Virtual) Middle Size League June 22 to 28, 2021 (Bordeaux, France) https://2021.robocup.org Call for Participation MSL 2021 (PDF) We would like to invite all MSL teams to participate in the 2021 RoboCup MSL World Championships (Virtual). If you are interested to participate please take the time to pre-register your team for the RoboCup 2021 (Virtual)  MSL competitions. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, RoboCup 2021 (Virtual) will be a distributed, remote event. As such, for the Middle Size League, the remote competitions consist of the Scientific Challenge as well as the Technical Challenge. 1)    Pre-registration For the pre-registration please send an e-mail to rc-msl-oc@lists.robocup.org and liufei@caa.org.cn containing the following data: team name URL of the team’s home page name of the team leader e-mail address of team or team leader affiliation country link to…
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Rulebook – RoboCup 2021

MSL Rulebook for the RoboCup 2021 published We would like to invite all MSL teams to participate in the 2021 RoboCup MSL World Championships which will be held virtually and remotely this year. If you are interested to participate please take the time to pre-register your team for the RoboCup 2021 MSL competitions when it is available via the main website (https://2021.robocup.org/). The rules, including the assessment criteria of the qualification material, are changed and published on the MSL website (https://msl.robocup.org/rules). Visit the MSL website to access the official rulebook for RoboCup MSL in 2021, along with a document summarizing the main changes. Noting that the current rulebook is a draft version and it will have some minor changes, therefore checking the website for future updates is needed. The 2021 MSL Technical Committee
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MSL Discussion for 2021

Dear MSL Teams We have just been asked by the Trustees to provide feedback about the possibility of having a presential limited edition of RoboCup2021 at Bordeaux. They are requesting a response by November the 30th. In short, they would like to know if each league is able to organize either a: virtual event; or a hybrid event, with only a small number of local teams and/or organizers (and possibly robots) physically present. Although desirable, it is no mandatory that every league can participate. A few goals are pointed out as important, such as: The event should allow the community to come together Research on difficult topics should be addressed They would like to be able to point out champions of each league There should be league meetings that allow…
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MSL Workshop 2020

MSL Workshop 2020 Call For Participation Dear RoboCup Middle-Size League teams, Hereby, I would like to formally invite you to the 10th annual international MSL Workshop, which will be held from the 12th and the 13th of December 2020 online between approximately 8.00 and 14.00 Central European Time. Please find attached the Call For Participation. You can register your team for the MSL Workshop by filling in the Google Form. The registration is open until the 23rd of November. If you have any questions, please contact a.a.kokkelmans@student.tue.nl. Best regards, Tech United Eindhoven Team Leader MSL, A. Kokkelmans
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New schedule for the 24th edition of RoboCup in June 2021

New schedule for the 24th edition of RoboCup in June 2021 The RoboCup Federation and the University of Bordeaux, on behalf of the local organising committee, announce the postponement of the 24th edition of RoboCup in France to now be held from June 22 to 28, 2021. The current situation linked to the COVID-19 led the organising committee to postpone the event for a year and thus make it possible to host the biggest robotics and artificial intelligence competition in the best possible conditions in France. The joint events planned for this occasion, NAIA, EduCamp, Farming, Perseverons conference and the GDR robotics workshop will be hosted next year too. All of the event's partners, the 3,500 international RoboCupers, the 3,000 robots and the organising committee, will meet you in the…
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2020-Qualification Results

The qualification results for RoboCup 2020 in Bordeaux (France) are published as follows. Eleven teams are qualified,  the qualification's ranking and links to qualification materials can be found below: Rank Name Nationality Qualification material 1 (140.80) Tech United Eindhoven The Netherlands TDP – MES Description – Video – Other materials 2 (121.00) CAMBADA Portugal TDP – MES Description – Video – Other materials 3 (111.30) NuBot China TDP – MES Description – Video – Other materials 4 (107.80) ASML-Falcons The Netherlands TDP – MES Description – Video – Other materials 5 (80.40) Water China TDP – MES Description – Video – Other materials 6 (73.33) DAGOZILLA Indonesia TDP – MES Description – Video – Other materials 7 (69.33) IRIS Indonesia TDP – MES Description – Video – Other materials 8 (58.83)…
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Rulebook – RoboCup 2020

MSL Rulebook for RoboCup 2020 published We would like to invite all MSL teams to participate in the 2020 RoboCup MSL World Championships. If you are interested to participate please take the time to pre-register your team for the RoboCup 2020 MSL competitions (https://msl.robocup.org/news/cfp_2020) The rules, including the assessment-criteria of the qualification material, are changed and published on the MSL website (https://msl.robocup.org/rules). Visit the MSL website to access the official rulebook for RoboCup MSL in 2020, along with a document summarizing the main changes. The 2020 MSL Technical Committee
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